Emery Interview with Josh Head

Nate Smith interviews Josh Head

Enoch Magazine ) What can fans expect with your new album that maybe different from the last few? Will this album be a more mature album for the band?

Josh Head :I think this record has a little bit of all our records in it. However I think it sounds a lot like our first two records, so I don’t know if that’s different or not. So I guess that means there’s nothing new, just a lot of old stuff.

Enoch Magazine ) A few years back I traveled the country living in a ghetto 77 camper loving on the homeless and speaking at different churches. Seattle was one city I spent some time in. While there I saw so many kids who choose the lifestyle of homelessness. How can people help the homeless and make lasting changes in their lives, especially these kids?

Josh Head : I think that depends on the person; some people choose that lifestyle and some are there for one reason or another, so I don’t think there is one answer. However, I do think that you have to start by loving people the way Jesus did. What I mean by that is that he was always serving people. His whole life was about what was best for other people and not what was best for him. He did what was best for people even when they didn’t want it. I think so many people look at other people (homeless guy, friend, mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife) and try to get as much from them as they can so they can be happy or do things for them because they want to say “look what I did.” That kind of “love” says I’ll love you as long as you make me happy (look at the divorce rate) or as long as it’s not hard to love you (i.e. I’ll give a bum some change but not invite him into my home). That’s not love at all. God’s love of us is not dependent on us; therefore my love for you is not dependent on you.

Enoch Magazine ) Family is such an important aspect in many people lives. What do your parents think of your career choice as a musician? Did your parents have an influence in you playing music?

Josh Head : My parents are amazing. They have always supported what I do. My dad even comes out on tour with us.

Enoch Magazine ) What is the ultimate message behind Emery of the music of Emery?
When Emery is all said and done someday what is it that you will like to have accomplished?

Josh Head : Well like I was saying before, “loving people” is what I feel I should always be doing, and that doesn’t start or stop with Emery or any other kind of job.

Enoch Magazine ) Depression is a major factor in so many high school kids lives. What would be your advice for these kids and have ever struggled with this?

Josh Head : That’s hard to say without knowing the person, but I guess the first thing I would say is that they are alive for an amazing and beautiful and perfect reason.

Enoch Magazine ) I’m always hearing about the power of prayer and I believe in it. Do you guys believe that prayer actually is a means to communicate with God why or why not?

Josh Head : Yes I do.

Enoch Magazine ) Often in America we have religion pushed upon us, but these are the very same people aren’t living what they preach. Jesus often spoke about this in the Bible. What’s your perception of Jesus and how did you arrive at it?

Josh Head : I think Philippians 2: 5-11 says who Jesus is better then I can.

Philippians 2: 5-11

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature[a] God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (NIV)

Enoch Magazine ) Being on the road must be tough sometimes because you’re away from everything you’ve known. I believe in Jesus and I try to base my actions and decisions on the teachings of Christ and how he rolled. Where do you get your morals and values from, and are they ever challenged due to your band’s success?

Josh Head : They have always been challenged because I am human and I need Jesus, but not because of what I do for a living.

Enoch Magazine ) If you weren’t playing music for a living what would you be doing for a living and why?

Josh Head : I’d be playing football for the Seattle Seahawks or getting paid to watch them play.

Enoch Magazine ) I live in Kansas City and Ed Rose has been producing local band albums here since the early 90s. Black Lodge Studios has also been home to so many bands I grew up listening to. When recording that album, what was your impression of Kansas and what did you do in your time off from recording. Would you ever work with Ed Rose again?

Josh Head : I love Kansas we would just go hang out in Lawrence and eat at Jefferson’s when we had down time. Ed was really cool and we would love to work with him again.

Enoch Magazine had the chance to catch up with Emery (Tooth and Nail Records) in Dallas TX on their tour bus. It was hot! Carter set up a second angle camera on a tripod, but you only see that angle once in the edit. Nate loves it cause his mohawk looks cool.

Emery (Tooth and Nail Records) talks about what ministry is to them. Their were super honest and gave one of the best interviews we’ve ever done.

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