The Suicide Denial – Interview w Chad Gerber
I have heard all the usual from people, churches, pastors, street crazies, and the majority seem to

Bayonet Interview with Buddy Nielsen
I’ve always been a big Senses Fail fan and I love their raw power and emotion. When I heard their singer Buddy Nielsen started a new side project, Bayonet (Mightier Than Sword Records), that was hardcore punk I jumped at the opportunity to interview him. Their lyrics are so full of emotion and intensity and I really wanted to hear what Buddy Nielsen had to say about it.

August Burns Red Interview with Matt Greiner
August Burns Red (Solid State Records) has been tearing up the metal scene for the last 8 years. They tour relentlessly, love to interact with their fans and just released their new album Leveler on Solid State Records. When i had the chance to interview their drummer, Matt Greiner I was excited to hear what […]

Hospital Ships Interview with Jordan Geiger
Jordan Greiger (the singer and guitar player of Hospital Ships), hails from Lawrence, KS. A city that has a past history of a great music scene.

Automatic Loveletter Interview with Juliet Simms
Enoch Magaizine : What was your inspiration behind “The Kids Will Take Their Monsters On” and what was the recording process like.

Listener Interview with Dan Smith
I recently got to have a conversation with Dan Smith. Who is the founder of a music project entitled ‘listener’ which is currently based out Atlanta GA.

A Clever Con Interview
Nate Smith interviews everyone from A Clever Con If you took a samurai sword and cut a robot in half then the sound of A Clever Con would fall out. I was immediately drawn to their unique sound, honest lyrics and overall musical composition. Enoch Magazine ) A Clever Con really has a unique sound […]

Ilia with Melissa and Brittney
Brandon Ryan interviews Melissa and Brittney from Ilia Enoch Magazine ) Melissa and Brittney how are you guys doing? My first question is for Brittney, is your last name really Mosher? If so that is pretty B.A. And how was it like trying out for the band, were you at all nervous? Melissa ) ha […]

Interview with Joey Cape
Enoch Magazine )You’ve been a band a long time. How has your friendship, music, and outlook on music changed since you started? What advice do you have for kids starting a band today? Joey ) Please don’t. Ha ha. No, but I would advise someone to make sure they are actually deeply interested in all […]