[audio:Amazing Grace.mp3] Download Amazing Grace [audio:Jesus Is Real To Me.mp3] Download Jesus Is Real To Me [audio:You Paid The Price.mp3] Download You Paid The Price
The streets of Skid Row are one of the craziest places the Enoch Magazine Crew has ever been to. Nate likes to describe as the wild west in modern times. Enoch Magazine and the Jonah Project had the chance to team up again for a whole night in Skid Row L.A., right before the Union […]
Dia de la cruz is the day of the cross and an important holiday in Guatemala. On the day of the cross Danny Casler (singer of National Product) and Nate Smith carried a wooden cross 3 miles in a parade through the outskirts of Santa Rosa Cruz.
Enoch Magazine travels to Las Vegas NV to document xxx church, club Christ and JC’s Girls. While visiting, the team made a trip to Downtown Vegas to have one of Fremont’s only worthwhile attractions: The Deep Fried Twinkie. This is a secret place in the back of a downtown casion that sells fried twinkies and […]
Enoch Magazine premiered this video about our Skid Row experiences in Los Angeles at a pastors conference. Since then we’ve been asked to speak at additional churches and conferences across the US! Now we can afford to continue doing what we do!

Written by Lance Steinhibel Before I even start to tell you what this video is all about. I have to start off with saying that this was one of the most eye opening, and amazing nights of my life. We had the opportunity to interview Heather Veitch, and her team of women called JC’s Girls. […]
Meeting Patrick and his crew was a particularly interesting experience. As we’ve always said, our plan for Skid Row was to have “no plan.” We wanted to see how God would lead us once we set foot on the streets. But as we got out of the car and stood on the streets all kinds of stuff happened: threats to harm us, burn our car, and …
While helping out on Skid Row Enoch Magazine had the chance to interview Andy Bales, CEO, of the Union Rescue Mission Mission on Skid Row. Listen to Andy talk about getting fired from his church because he had such a strong passion for the homeless.