Union Rescue Mission – You Are the Mission

If you don’t know about Union Rescue Mission they a 10 year plan to end homelessness and they need your help. Union Rescue Mission always needs volunteers to love, feed, and help people experiencing homelessness.

Why Go to Church? Christian Skateboarders

The Enoch Magazine team went down to the famous Bible Bowl in Santa Ana California, and ran into a bunch of pro Skaters. So Carter busted out the camera and Nate asked everybody one question: “Why should you go the church.”

When your Ministry Comes to an End

What does it mean when your ministry comes to an end? After 10 years of running Skate Church in Redwood City CA, Chris Davidson had this happen to him. In this video, Chris Davidson, a Skate Church pastor at Peninsula Covenant Church Redwood City, documents his last day of running skate church. Do to funding […]

Small Churches Doing Big Things

The Evangelical Covenant Church is the fasted growing denomination in the US. They have over 800 churches, and are adding more each month. Ministry is one of the things that seems to set them apart from other denominations. Almost every Covenant Church has a strong desire for missions, local ministry and embracing a multi-ethnic community, […]

Ryan Dobson Interview with Sirvoris Sutton at Angola State Prison

Enoch Magazine joins The Navigators, Ryan Dobson and AWANA for a week at Angola State Penitentiary. Ryan and Carter went behind prison walls to meet and interview Sirvoris Sutton (aka dj shaq) the Program Manager of the prisoner radio station. Be sure to watch part 2, also

A Kingdom Challenge

Interview in Skid Row with Jon Pearson Filmed and Edited by Carter Theis Enoch Magazine recently moved its team and headquarters to Skid Row, Los Angeles. We’re now more present on the streets, and we’ve been able to witness others, like us, who feel the need to travel to Skid Row. Some are here just […]

SRAC – Skid Row Artists Collective

Enoch Magazine loves to be a part of the Skid Row Community. Every 2nd Thursday of the month Skid Row Artists display their talents at the Downtown Los Angeles Artwalk. It happens between Main and Spring in an alley on 5th street in Downtown Los Angeles.

Spending the Night on Skid Row

Shot/Edited by Carter Theis Skid Row is home to thousands of homeless in Los Angeles. Along with the homeless, there are many drug dealers, prostitutes, and violent people. But they are still people. Enoch Magazine documents a group of Christians that spend the night in Skid Row.

David Reasbeck Skateboard Missionary

David Reasbeck is a good friend of Enoch Magazine. We traveled over to Scotland where he was serving as a Skateboard Missionary. Dave’s got a great spirit and he’s constantly traveling all over the world. This particular video was shot and edited by Daniel Libby. Please consider supporting Enoch Magazine with your monthly tithes, as […]