City of Ships (Translation Loss Records) latest release “Minor World” and bring a refreshing sound to a scene fueled with a lack of diversity of different bands. City of Ships stand out and should rise to the top with this musical masterpiece. These musicians have released one of the most creative records of 2011.

Fast Punk Rock, great lyrics, and an overall sense of perfection describes the latest visually controversial release from Living with Lions titled Holy S@#$. This record should be the life of any party and a release that’s so good you’ll want to buy a copy for your friends.

This hardcore outfit from SoCal has always bravely pushed their message to the forefront of their music, easily outdoing most of the “daring” hardcore bands currently in the sea that is heavy music. One common gripe, however, was that their musicianship didn’t measure up with their unique, daring message.
They have always been uncommonly passionate, yet the music lacked consistency and originality in certain spots.

Two years after their last release, New Again, Taking Back Sunday (Warner Bros. Records) have brought together their original lineup to give us another great rock album. Rekindling friendships while throwing out the negative vibes, the self-titled album came together with anticipated positive results.

Some bands just get it. They put out great record after great record. Their sound doesn’t waver much and they seem to get better and better with every release. Protagonist (Paper + Plastick Records) do just that. It’s one great punk rock song after another. The States Ep opens with the title track “State.” For […]

Less than Jake is back at it again. In my opinion they are the best Punk Ska band and the only one that never disappoints. With a summer full of warped tour dates waiting and a new dvd boxset, I knew that Less than Jake’s, new ep, Greetings From, would be just the music I needed to get this summer going.

When I first heard the band August Burns Red (Solid State Records), I didn’t like them. At the time, I wasn’t into such craziness, meaning fast paced music with lyrics you
couldn’t understand. But one evening I had my laptop open and was giving them another try. I had found a music site that hosted a few songs from their first
album, Thrill Seeker. After opening my musically path ways so to speak, I found myself in love with the breakdowns and pure intensity that is August Burns Red (Solid State Records).

Juliet Simm’s (lead singer of Automatic Loveletter) voice is so perfect after one listen to the new Auotmatic Loveletter acoustic album, “The Kids Will Take their Monsters On”, you’ll be telling all your friends. I was excited to hear the new Automatic Loveletter (Paper + PlastickRecords) record, “The Kids Will Take their Monsters On.” There […]

What makes this album so unique is it’s clearly a Beastie Boys production. It almost seems to pay homage to their first album “License To Ill,” in terms of simplicity and lyric dictation.