The feeling of rawness is immediately felt as clearly the album doesn’t have a hint of auto tune. It features Fat Mike at his finest as if he woke up from a hangover and decided to record the vocals… and I love it. My favorite NoFx song in the last 10 years is “My Orphan […]

As a band who was once apart of the “metal-core trend”, it has been a relief to see The Devil Wears Prada (Ferret Music) consciously move away from cashing in on the latest fads, in order to stay true to their roots. This all began back in August 2009 when the band released their first […]

The rest of this album after track 3 is simply amazing!!! “Stay Frosty” delivers that classic “Ice Cream Man” “Diamond” Dave sound mixed with heavy breakdown beats. A modern day “Hot For Teacher.” If they had released “Stay Frosty” instead of Tattoo, fans all over the world would be punching people in the face, and turning over cop cars.

My very first taste of Thrice (Vagrant Records) was when I hopped on the MySpace page of popular non-profit group TWLOHA, (To Write Love On Her Arms) I heard the gloomy piano notes of a song called For Miles, once I heard the sound of Dustin Kensrue’s voice sing out the historic line: I know one day all are scars will disappear like the stars at dawn. Something kept my attention.

I’d almost like to say that the three piece band-Hands is like the post hardcore/metal version of The Glorious Unseen. In that almost every song on their new album (Give Me Rest) is a cry out to God.

I’m sitting here listening to the sounds of Burlap To Cashmere (Jive/Essential records), and I must say that I’m amazed at what my ears hear. Burlap to Cashmere (Jive/Essential records) isn’t necessarily my usual musical genre but I can honestly say that my musical taste has expanded with the release of their latest self titled […]

he’s dusted off an old brass/percussion ensemble and mixed it with a little synthesized ghetto “hook.”

Ahead of the game and deep in the pocket of REAL production, this album unites underground Emcees, seasoned veterans, musicianship, and golden era sound.

The Dangerous Summer (Hopeless Records) are one of my favorite bands. I was excited to review their latest release “War Paint.” Their records are written with such talent, emotion, and ambition they’ll never let me down.