Skid Row – Part Deux

Enoch Magazine is back helping the homeless in Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles. Last March we took our first journey to help the homeless and we’re back to continue the work we started. Listen to Brandt Russo as he talks about the overwhelming experience of people reacting to our Skid Row Trip. We will continue to document Brandt and the rest of the Enoch team each day we are in Skid Row, Los Angeles. Keep Checking back each day!

Also, you can read the full interview Enoch Magazine did with Brandt here.,p>

Read the Brandt Interview Part 1

One Response to “Skid Row – Part Deux”
  1. Joey Basta says:

    Grace & Peace Carter ….

    You, Uli and the rest of the crew are in my prayers as you head out and preach the awesome message of Jesus Christ and feed and clothe those in need. I wish I was there !!! Keep the videos coming. You guys Rock !!

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