Skid Row is Holyground Trailer

Enoch Magazine went to Skid Row, downtown Los Angeles in March of 2008. We filmed a documentary with 8 guys from different cities who decided to be a part of this crazy experience. If you don’t know, Skid Row is about an 8 block radius, where over 10,000 homeless people live, either on the streets, in shelters or missions. If you watch this trailer, you will see that enoch magazine is really about loving and helping people.

Join us as we continue traveling to Skid Row to help the homeless and assist/encourage the people who are called to serve them. We are currently looking to secure discount relationships with clothing manufacturers to answer the need for a committed clothing drive! To find out more on how to get involved with the Skid Row feature film, monthly web series or just homelessness in general, drop us an email at

28 Responses to “Skid Row is Holyground Trailer”
  1. Edward Applebee (a friend of a friend) says:

    Right on Enoch Crew! We all need to get involved with this movement of world-wide underground street faith. love what you guys are tryig to start. I’m behind you all the way!
    – E

  2. Sean Dineen says:

    Brillent work, brothers.
    As a disabled writer, and Activist, I am impressed with your efforts.
    Our cross is unique, and I truly belive as a people, we have a mission to conquer our struggle and glorify God

  3. Karen Lynn says:

    Dear Enoch Magazine,
    The other day I received a link to your magazine. I saw your documenty on “Skid Row is Holyground,” and thought it was amizing. It is an outstanding piece of work! After I viewed this piece, I read the article Brandan Ryan, “Pain on the brain. That too, touch a cord in my heart.

    As a disabled woman, who won the first Civil Rights Case, in the state of California, and has advocated for herself and others for well over 35 years now, I would like to propose an offer to you. I am a writer, fitness instrutor, and advocate. I was so moved by what I read and saw on your magazine; that I would be honored if I could be a contributor to the true causes that are happening in our world today. Moreover, I thought of how my conterversial story, if made into a documentry would help others. I have spent a long time trying to cave out a place for myself in society, and my story is other people’s story.

    I have written and published a fictionalized autobiogrphy, write for Audacity Magazine, and have my own blog on my website. I truly believe that together we can make a strong impact on your readers and change the world.

    You are more than welcomed to look at my website for more details. I look forward to your reply and hearing from you,

    God Bless and all you are doing for others,

    Most Sincerely,
    Karen Lynn

  4. Shea says:

    Whats up sucka…. looks good. I hope everything is going well back in the states and more specifically Greenway Ave!

  5. Wow! Fantastic! Impressed, inspired.

  6. Jonathan Grubbs says:

    Love what you guys are trying to do! I pray that God will bless your journey!

  7. Super Mike says:

    The quote from the pastor at the beginning is a real hook!
    “They come here to die” -nice job editing it together into a compelling piece.
    Maybe a little less of the goofball lemon slicing, but then again looked like you guys were getting slap happy after a while.

  8. Mark Ahrens says:

    Good job putting GOD ON DISPLAY for the world to see! I’m proud of all of you and look forward to learning about Skid Row when the DVD is released. More than that, I’m so excited to get a copy of this film and show it to young adults and hopefully motivate all of us to get out of the pew and “Just Do It” when it comes to living our faith. God bless all of you!

  9. Derek says:

    Great! Nice work, and nice job on the video Carter and crew.

  10. JKB says:

    Yeah, that was good stuff!! You really have to walk with people, in their shoes…. that is the action that speaks louder than than words! That’s the love of Jesus! Thanks much for that.


  11. Dave (Hammer) says:

    This looks amazing guys, really just awesome. I can’t wait for the whole thing.

  12. Steve says:

    Nice job Carter and crew.

  13. Tim Grant says:

    Carter & Nate + crew! You guys got something here! What better way to raise awareness of a place in need than to release a great documentary film about it. Go after it! It’s got the chops to find a big audience.

    Looking forward to hanging out with you guys again.

  14. Shelby says:

    Carter, you are a talented, talented man.

  15. dan Rutty says:

    Right on guys. Can’t wait to see the whole thing.

  16. I filmed in Skid Row 4 years ago to capture footage for B.Y.O.B

    Im happy 2 see that the younger generations are getting involved.

    Bravo 2 all Ur crew.

    M Coldshot

  17. Courtney says:

    AMAZING stuff guys! This is really eye-opening and definitely life-changing.
    I’m so proud & honoured to know you guys, you’re such an incredible inspiriation.
    I pray that in God’s name, you will change the face of this Earth, even if it is through random acts of kindness like this.
    fantastic! I’m so excited to see the whole product

  18. Glenn Rane says:

    Yo dude, that was awesome! Well done sir!! Well done.

  19. Brittney Thomas says:

    That trailer was awesome! What a cool ministry you guys have there?! Honestly, that video was not only encouraging but humbling and convicting…Thank you. May God continue to bless what Enoch magazine is doing!

  20. Karmeta says:

    AWESOME and ANNOINTED! Cater you and your crew have been touched by angels …
    I thank God for carrying you through your journeys and giving you the ablilty and insight to see the struggles of the people and DOING something to make the difference. Thank you and God Bless you for your work! Peace & Blessings!

  21. Autumn says:

    Wow Carter! Just visited Enoch’s website for the first time and am blown away! SO GREAT and the Skid Row doc. was jaw dropping!

  22. Scott Tolleson says:

    Wow, very nicely done. I think you guys did a great job of capturing the true spirit of skid row.

  23. Midge says:

    I’m with Wonderful Mercy Church in Gilbert Arizona. We do street ministry a couple times a month which is not enough, but we are learning. I watched your skid row documentary and I was so encouraged to keep pressing into this work for the Lord. Being doers of the word is where it is at. I pray great blessing over all of you. You were all looking so much like Jesus on the video. Hummm pretty cool.


  24. Yall make Skidrow a little less intimidating, You prove It does hold the power of God in those streets! Thanks for making a difference in the lives of those who dwell down there.

  25. BonnieJean says:

    WOW,,, I was Homeless about 15 yrs. ago in KC,Mo. and it was not like that. They Need GOD’s HELP… They R All in my Prayers… God Bless U Enoch Crew…Grandma Bonnie…

  26. Joi B. says:

    This is so inspiring. My friend Sean Rogers told me about this and I’m just so filled with awe and love for God’s people– those who give, those who need, and those that receive. You guys rock!

  27. Andria Marie Arceneaux says:

    Wow. I am truly blessed by the work you are doing for Our Father, Our Lord, Our Savior. To see you acting what the Lord has placed upon my heart is beyond inspiring, beyond motivating, beyond encouraging. I am moved. So many people are lost, hurting, abandoned, forgotten, tossed aside and thrown away. My heart hurts for anyone that is suffering from unbelief or no belief. I want to help you in any way that I can. I know that Our Father is with you every step of the way. Be encouraged. You have chosen a path that is going to make a difference for the Kingdom of Heaven. Lives will be changed and souls will be saved.

    I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to arise in the morning and know you are doing the exact will of God for your life. I am truly amazed. Thank you for your sacrifice of service.

    I will tell everyone that I know about you and direct them all to your site. I don’t make a lot of money but I believe God has brought us together for a reason. I want to be a part of what you are doing. I don’t want to be on the side lines any more.

    I can help with fundraising.


  28. Walter Talley says:

    Your team ministered to me on Skid row and as a matter of fact im in your video trailer, and God has not olny delivered me from drugs and alcohol and cigarettes but restored me and anointed me to go and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise Him for His children like you guys .thanks to the Great 8!!!!( Ilike to call you guys.)

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