Skid Row – Part Deux – Arrival

Joel Maslin is one of our Enoch Team members. He journeyed with us the first time to Skid Row and now he has returned. It’s very hard to capture 90% of what happens when we travel to Skid Row. Most of the team prefers to walk around and talk with people. The other side of our team is working on filming and editing. But Joel fits right in between, or rather, he fits no category. So it’s only fitting that he was the only one on this trip that wrote daily accounts:

update #1-There is so much going on, and so many funny stories. So I will try to keep it short. Lance and I talked and prayed with a guy named Clark for a couple hours. Clark felt like God never answered any of his prayers. He is an alcoholic, but at the end of our conversation he told us that he knew God had sent Lance and I to him. He said we were like angels and that we had better find him the next day.

We partnered up with a couple street ministries down there; one being Pastor Ron and Set Free Church and Outreach. His message was so convicting and powerful. The people in the service where all praising God, homeless people singing and rejoicing to God, a sight never to be forgotten. Pastor Ron saw a fire upon my heart and let me pray at the end of the service. I am not sure what I said, but the spirit of God took over and people came up to me saying “nice prayer” and other words along those lines. I just told them that it was God, he spoke his will. He is not going to give us anything outside his will. I said he wanted you to hear his prayer so that we might get fired up or whatever it was that God wanted us to hear from it.

I also got to play soccer with some Hispanics in a parking lot, they accepted the little white kid with open arms and we all had a ball. I plan on continuing to make that my side ministry!!!:) I walked on the beach before going to skid row for the first time yesterday and couldn’t help but praise God for his creation.

I am starting to see homeless people the way I used to. These people are more precious to God then some of his other glorious creations that we love to travel thousands of miles to see. Oceans, Lakes and hillsides are deserving of much praise, but God wants his family to grow. God wants us to sow and to reap the harvest in skid row and all over. I am stoked and can’t wait for all the stuff that God is doing everywhere and for the stuff that I have the honor of seeing, hearing, and being apart of.

Last night we dumpster dived for food. Some of us are willing to pass up some of the amazing food places that L.A. has to offer, so that we might have more to give to the homeless here. It is legit food and so good and I made an awesome vegetable pasta with a sun-dried tomato and pesto sauce. We found Lamb, steak, chicken, produce and other yummies. Be praying for us and check out the videos, and whatever else you want to on Enoch Magazine. I hope you have time to stick with this, it is really encouraging and God is moving!!! love you all!

Watch Joel play Soccer in Sunset Beach when we thought he was making sandwiches


4 Responses to “Skid Row – Part Deux – Arrival”
  1. Steve James says:

    I wish I could have made it fellas. Very nicely edited showing the raw nature of skid row. Well done.

  2. mario Coldshot says:

    Allways impressed , so cool

    M Coldshot

  3. Dan Portnoy says:

    You guys get it. I love it. Thank you being part of the solution.

  4. Shelby says:

    Absolutely awesome. I gotta get me one of those sandwiches. So, next stop… Oakland? They like tuna here too. Or maybe you could do a story on cop killers since that’s the only thing in the news lately.

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