Journal of a Homeless Man


As Enoch Magazine was passing through San Francisco, Lance and I went down to the Fisherman’s Wharf to get a Crab Salad sandwich. It was one of those days where all I wanted to do was EAT! My eyes locked on the “fishy palace,” as I quickly passed a homeless guy holding a sign…I was too hungry to do any, “Hey man, how’s it going? My names’ Carter, what’s yours?” But as I passed the man and said nothing, Lance did the opposite. He stopped and spoke to him…Convicted. I think in this instance, I did exactly the opposite of what Jesus did…(W.W.J.N.D.). As it turns out, the man’s name was Curtis (pictured above) and he’d been homeless for close to 20 years. He has a degree in Journalism and keeps a journal about his travels and experiences. Thank you Lance for stopping! – Carter Theis

In and Out of Danbury An excerpt from Curtis Surpless’ journal Caffeine & Nicotine

Written by Curtis Surpless

It’s now been two weeks since I left Portland, Maine, and at this very moment I only stand in Danbury; Connecticut. So I guess one could say that I’m just sort of … taking my time. Most wouldn’t continue a journey as I currently have. However, I’m not most people. I am a very unique individual. I’m myself, and never try to be anyone else. That’s just the way it is, and it’ll most likely stay that way until the day I die.

Anyway … last night was the type of night that rarely ever happens. Until now only two others, besides myself, have known what exactly happened. My mom, and my stepmother.

I had made up my mind to finally leave New Haven. So I took a city bus south out of the city’s limits, before sticking my thumb out. Just like every hitch-hiking experience, I once again had no idea what to expect.

I must’ve stood there for about ten minutes before this guy picks me up, taking me to this town called Derby. This was one of those “no name” places that you always hear about. Anyway … He pulls up at this Catholic Church, dropping me off right at the door. He tells me that it’s very cold at
night around this time of year, before suggesting I ask the Father of the church for a blanket or something.

There was a pickup in the church’s driveway, so I kind of figured that someone, if not the Father, was there. I knocked on the door and not even a minute later he appeared and introduced himself. Father Mitch. I’ll never forget this man, or his kindness.

He told me of a prayer that he had just received the answer to (which was meeting me), only the night before. He told me that God had said to him “Keep a blanket aside, someone will come in need of one very soon”. I almost didn’t believe him until he walked me to his garage, popped open the trunk of his car, and showed me it’s contents. And I can honestly say that there was a neatly folded blanket inside.

He also said that God had told him to “Do more than just give this man a blanket”. And guess what? He did.

After talking with me for about thirty minutes, this man drove me another forty miles to Danbury, took me to Taco Bell, put me in a hotel room for the night, and gave me $100 dollars to use while traveling. I just could not believe what this man had done, and for a perfect stranger. I’ve never even been to Connecticut.

I can say now, without any doubt, that God does work in mysterious ways.

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