Reviewed by Nate Smith
The opening track, “Blue Shoes’ could be the love anthem for any Hollywood Tv Show. Her voice drives the song softly but with natural emotional. There is no climatic ending or buildup and that’s why I love it. It starts and ends before you even realize it. Her voice is beautiful and reminds me of Tracy Bonham. The lyrics “If I had to choose any old shoes, I’d choose the ones that he wears.” show love in it’s simplest form.
Track 3, “Wake” is slow and relaxing. It’s stripped down to guitar and vocals. It really displays the range of Margo’s voice. It the kind of song I’d love to wake up to in the morning. Her voice is soft and tender on this track and it really relaxes me. The ending of this track is full of multi layered vocals harmonizing and bringing the vocals to your full attention.
Track 5 “Love Somebody” has a feeling of sadness throughout the song. It reminds me of death or tragedy. The ride cymbal sounds so natural on this track. They captured the drums perfectly in the studio on this one.
“Question Marks” is my favorite track on the album. It also happens to be the heaviest song on this record. It’s driven by a steady bass line and drummer that seem to be the perfect accompaniment to the ever mellow voice of Margo May. The bridge begins to builds up at 2:40 and may be the heaviest this record ever gets. If I had to pick a single from “Summerof” than this track gets my vote.
Overall this album is flawless. It showcases the vocal ability of Margo May and the music is creative. The album flows from song to song and is finished before you realize it has even begun. Please pick this album up on Itunes and help support this talented young musician. I give it the Enoch Stamp of Approval
good review sucka!! I liked your guys kingdom video too!