Written by Brandon Ryan
But I’m glad this is probably only a one-time thing, because the four song disc, in my opinion, is a one hit wonder. And Zack is still spiting out his political views, not that this is bad per say. But I’d say that those rants need to stay with one band and one band only, and that’s Rage Against The Machine. I assumed with this project, given the amount of time De La Rocha spent away from the music seen, that one would have a change of heart about the world and life. Not so much. So, with that being said, if you are a fan of “Rage,” perhaps buy this small effort. But I say, long live Rage Against The Machine.
One Day As A Lion is: Zack de la Rocha
(vocals / keyboards)
Jon Theodore
“…filled with simple guitar riffs…”
That’s all keyboard run through a guitar amp, note how there is no guitarist listed in the band. Easy mistake to make, but a bit more research would have been good.